A cheap and (relatively) easy microwave imager / radiotelescope

March 29, 2023

I’ve dabbled in radiotelescopes before, mostly as a way to use old TV satellite dishes. However, this time I took a satellite dish and turned it into a microwave “camera”, able to create images in the Ku band!

(Source code for this project is available here)

The dish I’m using is a “Tailgater” model, which is another gadget I’ve experimented with before. The particular model I’m using has a USB console port, allowing serial commands to be sent from a Linux or Windows PC. I was able to automate the motor and receiver commands, driving the dish through a set of azimuth and elevation positions while recording the signal strength.

If you’re planning to do this yourself, these dishes can often be found on Craigslist / Facebook for $0-$50. I think I’ve paid an average of $20 each for four of the things so far. The hard part is finding exactly the right one, as there are various models, revisions, and brand names (VuQube, King, and Winegard are some). Some only have RJ11 control ports, which I haven’t experimented with. The one I’m currently using is from 2014 ,has a square-ish case, and you’ll have to unscrew the top and see if it has a USB “A” port. I’ve also encountered one with a Mini USB port, but couldn’t get that one to work. Update: I dried out the damp Mini-USB version and got a serial console with USB cable. The motors are still seized up, but it seems to be much the same as the USB “A” version. The firmware is from 2011 and doesn’t have an “elangle” command, but changing that to “elev” and changing the numbering range in the python code should theoretically work.

This method is great for imaging a room or building, but where it really shines is for detecting and mapping satellites in geosynchronous orbit. These are, after all, the transmitters this dish is designed for. By panning the dish across the Clarke Belt, I can generate a Ku band image of the radio beacons on these satellites.

These images can be overlaid on panoramic photos to show relative satellite locations. This is a great way to troubleshoot a dish installation (for TV, hobbyist, or other use). You can instantly see which satellites are blocked by trees, or which are drowned out by their outer space neighbors. For example, poor little Galaxy 13 in the 127W orbital slot is barely visible as a dim smudge between the high-power beacons of Galaxy 12 and DirecTV 8. No wonder I had so much trouble picking up PBS on my other dish!

I’m not the first to image satellites like this. Professor James Aguirre of the University of Pennsylvania has a Mini Radio Telescope project on Github. The Thought Emporium on Youtube has a similar project. However, both these approaches require more custom hardware and software for antenna aiming. My method just needs an old $20 Tailgater antenna from Craigslist!

This system can also be used to track down RF leaks. Here’s an indoor scan of my office, overlaid on a panoramic photo of the room. A microwave leak can immediately be seen coming from my poorly-shielded computer tower in the lower right.

If you happen to have one of these Tailgater dishes and want to play around with microwave imaging, check out my Python code at Github. If you’re better at Python that I am, you can probably improve things a bit for your own use 🙂

I’ve also made a video about the project:

Automated Foam Dart Sentry Turret

March 26, 2023

A take on this project, my version uses a knock-off foam dart blaster. Since the original code is from 2015 and uses some older version of Python and OpenCV, I had to modify a few things. More details below.

I’ve copied 90% of this from the HackerShack, the original designers. Their original walk-through (including video) is available here: https://www.hackster.io/hackershack/raspberry-pi-motion-tracking-gun-turret-77fb0b

And the original source code is here: https://github.com/HackerShackOfficial/Tracking-Turret

I made the following modifications:
– Installed Python 3 instead of Python 2.
– Installed OpenCV 4 instead of 3.
– Skipped the whole virtual environment thing, couldn’t get it working and didn’t seem necessary.

I edited turret.py as follows:
– Changed the print statements in turret.py to use Python3 style parentheses
– Changed “import thread” to import _thread in line 7
– Changed “thread” to “_thread” in line 423
– Removed “lm,” from line 158 -Changed print syntax on lines 283 and 284 to have the closing parentheses at the end

My modified version of turret.py can be found below:

### Original turret.py file by HackerShack
### from https://github.com/HackerShackOfficial/Tracking-Turret
### Modified 2/16/2022 by Gabe Emerson to work with Python 3

    import cv2
except Exception as e:
    print("Warning: OpenCV not installed. To use motion detection, make sure you've properly configured OpenCV.")

import time
import _thread
import threading
import atexit
import sys
import termios
import contextlib

import imutils
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from Adafruit_MotorHAT import Adafruit_MotorHAT, Adafruit_DCMotor, Adafruit_StepperMotor

### User Parameters ###





def raw_mode(file):
    Magic function that allows key presses.
    :param file:
    old_attrs = termios.tcgetattr(file.fileno())
    new_attrs = old_attrs[:]
    new_attrs[3] = new_attrs[3] & ~(termios.ECHO | termios.ICANON)
        termios.tcsetattr(file.fileno(), termios.TCSADRAIN, new_attrs)
        termios.tcsetattr(file.fileno(), termios.TCSADRAIN, old_attrs)

class VideoUtils(object):
    Helper functions for video utilities.
    def live_video(camera_port=0):
        Opens a window with live video.
        :param camera:

        video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(camera_port)

        while True:
            # Capture frame-by-frame
            ret, frame = video_capture.read()

            # Display the resulting frame
            cv2.imshow('Video', frame)

            if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

        # When everything is done, release the capture

    def find_motion(callback, camera_port=0, show_video=False):

        camera = cv2.VideoCapture(camera_port)

        # initialize the first frame in the video stream
        firstFrame = None
        tempFrame = None
        count = 0

        # loop over the frames of the video
        while True:
            # grab the current frame and initialize the occupied/unoccupied
            # text

            (grabbed, frame) = camera.read()

            # if the frame could not be grabbed, then we have reached the end
            # of the video
            if not grabbed:

            # resize the frame, convert it to grayscale, and blur it
            frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=500)
            gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (21, 21), 0)

            # if the first frame is None, initialize it
            if firstFrame is None:
                print ("Waiting for video to adjust...")
                if tempFrame is None:
                    tempFrame = gray
                    delta = cv2.absdiff(tempFrame, gray)
                    tempFrame = gray
                    tst = cv2.threshold(delta, 5, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]
                    tst = cv2.dilate(tst, None, iterations=2)
                    if count > 30:
                        print ("Done.\n Waiting for motion.")
                        if not cv2.countNonZero(tst) > 0:
                            firstFrame = gray
                        count += 1

            # compute the absolute difference between the current frame and
            # first frame
            frameDelta = cv2.absdiff(firstFrame, gray)
            thresh = cv2.threshold(frameDelta, 25, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]

            # dilate the thresholded image to fill in holes, then find contours
            # on thresholded image
            thresh = cv2.dilate(thresh, None, iterations=2)
            c = VideoUtils.get_best_contour(thresh.copy(), 5000)

            if c is not None:
                # compute the bounding box for the contour, draw it on the frame,
                # and update the text
                (x, y, w, h) = cv2.boundingRect(c)
                cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 2)
                callback(c, frame)

            # show the frame and record if the user presses a key
            if show_video:
                cv2.imshow("Security Feed", frame)
                key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF

                # if the `q` key is pressed, break from the lop
                if key == ord("q"):

        # cleanup the camera and close any open windows

    def get_best_contour(imgmask, threshold):
        contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(imgmask, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
        best_area = threshold
        best_cnt = None
        for cnt in contours:
            area = cv2.contourArea(cnt)
            if area > best_area:
                best_area = area
                best_cnt = cnt
        return best_cnt

class Turret(object):
    Class used for turret control.
    def __init__(self, friendly_mode=True):
        self.friendly_mode = friendly_mode

        # create a default object, no changes to I2C address or frequency
        self.mh = Adafruit_MotorHAT()

        # Stepper motor 1
        self.sm_x = self.mh.getStepper(200, 1)      # 200 steps/rev, motor port #1
        self.sm_x.setSpeed(5)                       # 5 RPM
        self.current_x_steps = 0

        # Stepper motor 2
        self.sm_y = self.mh.getStepper(200, 2)      # 200 steps/rev, motor port #2
        self.sm_y.setSpeed(5)                       # 5 RPM
        self.current_y_steps = 0

        # Relay
        GPIO.setup(RELAY_PIN, GPIO.OUT)
        GPIO.output(RELAY_PIN, GPIO.LOW)

    def calibrate(self):
        Waits for input to calibrate the turret's axis
        print ("Please calibrate the tilt of the gun so that it is level. Commands: (w) moves up, " \
              "(s) moves down. Press (enter) to finish.\n")

        print ("Please calibrate the yaw of the gun so that it aligns with the camera. Commands: (a) moves left, " \
              "(d) moves right. Press (enter) to finish.\n")

        print ("Calibration finished.")

    def __calibrate_x_axis(self):
        Waits for input to calibrate the x axis
        with raw_mode(sys.stdin):
                while True:
                    ch = sys.stdin.read(1)
                    if not ch:

                    elif ch == "a":
                        if MOTOR_X_REVERSED:
                            Turret.move_backward(self.sm_x, 5)
                            Turret.move_forward(self.sm_x, 5)
                    elif ch == "d":
                        if MOTOR_X_REVERSED:
                            Turret.move_forward(self.sm_x, 5)
                            Turret.move_backward(self.sm_x, 5)
                    elif ch == "\n":

            except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
                print ("Error: Unable to calibrate turret. Exiting...")

    def __calibrate_y_axis(self):
        Waits for input to calibrate the y axis.
        with raw_mode(sys.stdin):
                while True:
                    ch = sys.stdin.read(1)
                    if not ch:

                    if ch == "w":
                        if MOTOR_Y_REVERSED:
                            Turret.move_forward(self.sm_y, 5)
                            Turret.move_backward(self.sm_y, 5)
                    elif ch == "s":
                        if MOTOR_Y_REVERSED:
                            Turret.move_backward(self.sm_y, 5)
                            Turret.move_forward(self.sm_y, 5)
                    elif ch == "\n":

            except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
                print ("Error: Unable to calibrate turret. Exiting...")

    def motion_detection(self, show_video=False):
        Uses the camera to move the turret. OpenCV ust be configured to use this.
        VideoUtils.find_motion(self.__move_axis, show_video=show_video)

    def __move_axis(self, contour, frame):
        (v_h, v_w) = frame.shape[:2]
        (x, y, w, h) = cv2.boundingRect(contour)

        # find height
        target_steps_x = (2*MAX_STEPS_X * (x + w / 2) / v_w) - MAX_STEPS_X
        target_steps_y = (2*MAX_STEPS_Y*(y+h/2) / v_h) - MAX_STEPS_Y

        print ("x: %s, y: %s" % (str(target_steps_x), str(target_steps_y)))
        print ("current x: %s, current y: %s" % (str(self.current_x_steps), str(self.current_y_steps)))

        t_x = threading.Thread()
        t_y = threading.Thread()
        t_fire = threading.Thread()

        # move x
        if (target_steps_x - self.current_x_steps) > 0:
            self.current_x_steps += 1
            if MOTOR_X_REVERSED:
                t_x = threading.Thread(target=Turret.move_forward, args=(self.sm_x, 2,))
                t_x = threading.Thread(target=Turret.move_backward, args=(self.sm_x, 2,))
        elif (target_steps_x - self.current_x_steps) < 0:
            self.current_x_steps -= 1
            if MOTOR_X_REVERSED:
                t_x = threading.Thread(target=Turret.move_backward, args=(self.sm_x, 2,))
                t_x = threading.Thread(target=Turret.move_forward, args=(self.sm_x, 2,))

        # move y
        if (target_steps_y - self.current_y_steps) > 0:
            self.current_y_steps += 1
            if MOTOR_Y_REVERSED:
                t_y = threading.Thread(target=Turret.move_backward, args=(self.sm_y, 2,))
                t_y = threading.Thread(target=Turret.move_forward, args=(self.sm_y, 2,))
        elif (target_steps_y - self.current_y_steps) < 0:
            self.current_y_steps -= 1
            if MOTOR_Y_REVERSED:
                t_y = threading.Thread(target=Turret.move_forward, args=(self.sm_y, 2,))
                t_y = threading.Thread(target=Turret.move_backward, args=(self.sm_y, 2,))

        # fire if necessary
        if not self.friendly_mode:
            if abs(target_steps_y - self.current_y_steps) <= 2 and abs(target_steps_x - self.current_x_steps) <= 2:
                t_fire = threading.Thread(target=Turret.fire)



    def interactive(self):
        Starts an interactive session. Key presses determine movement.

        Turret.move_forward(self.sm_x, 1)
        Turret.move_forward(self.sm_y, 1)

        print ('Commands: Pivot with (a) and (d). Tilt with (w) and (s). Exit with (q)\n')
        with raw_mode(sys.stdin):
                while True:
                    ch = sys.stdin.read(1)
                    if not ch or ch == "q":

                    if ch == "w":
                        if MOTOR_Y_REVERSED:
                            Turret.move_forward(self.sm_y, 5)
                            Turret.move_backward(self.sm_y, 5)
                    elif ch == "s":
                        if MOTOR_Y_REVERSED:
                            Turret.move_backward(self.sm_y, 5)
                            Turret.move_forward(self.sm_y, 5)
                    elif ch == "a":
                        if MOTOR_X_REVERSED:
                            Turret.move_backward(self.sm_x, 5)
                            Turret.move_forward(self.sm_x, 5)
                    elif ch == "d":
                        if MOTOR_X_REVERSED:
                            Turret.move_forward(self.sm_x, 5)
                            Turret.move_backward(self.sm_x, 5)
                    elif ch == "\n":

            except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):

    def fire():
        GPIO.output(RELAY_PIN, GPIO.HIGH)
        GPIO.output(RELAY_PIN, GPIO.LOW)

    def move_forward(motor, steps):
        Moves the stepper motor forward the specified number of steps.
        :param motor:
        :param steps:
        motor.step(steps, Adafruit_MotorHAT.FORWARD,  Adafruit_MotorHAT.INTERLEAVE)

    def move_backward(motor, steps):
        Moves the stepper motor backward the specified number of steps
        :param motor:
        :param steps:
        motor.step(steps, Adafruit_MotorHAT.BACKWARD, Adafruit_MotorHAT.INTERLEAVE)

    def __turn_off_motors(self):
        Recommended for auto-disabling motors on shutdown!

if __name__ == "__main__":
    t = Turret(friendly_mode=False)

    user_input = input("Choose an input mode: (1) Motion Detection, (2) Interactive\n")

    if user_input == "1":
        if input("Live video? (y, n)\n").lower() == "y":
    elif user_input == "2":
        if input("Live video? (y, n)\n").lower() == "y":
            _thread.start_new_thread(VideoUtils.live_video, ())
        print ("Unknown input mode. Please choose a number (1) or (2)")

The Saveitforparts Spacedeck v1: A Cyberdeck for Space!

February 8, 2023

Given my long history of doing unwise and silly things to computers, a cyberdeck was inevitable. After all, I’ve turned a milk crate into a PC case, a Mac into a fish tank, a flare gun case into a wifi repeater, and so on.

Since I’ve been doing a lot of stuff with old satellite dishes lately, I figured it was time for a more organized, self-contained control and receiver setup. The result is above, made from a surplus police car computer, digital satellite meter, various software-defined radio stuff, and nearly the entire contents of multiple spare parts bins.

Believe it or not, this started out almost modern, with netbooks, SSDs, USB 4.0, Displaylink screen, etc. None of which worked the way I wanted. As usual I fell back on older and more familiar hardware. Everything in the current cyberdeck version is Windows-XP era. I’m actually using Q4OS Linux, but it looks and feels just like Windows XP!

The whole thing probably cost under $50, as most of it was stuff I already had lying around. I did spend the big bucks on a new 60% keyboard and a couple battery packs. The hardware includes:

– Touchscreen computer
– RTL-SDR radio
– Various filter / amp modules
– Various WiFi modules
– Satellite Meter / digital video player
– PTZ control for my older dish pointers
– LNB power injector
– King-Dome / Vuqube control
– Panel-mount port interfaces

Software includes:
– Q4OS (simple, low-resource Linux)
– GQRX (standard SDR software)
– Gpredict for satellite tracking
– GOEStools, WXtoIMG, etc for weather satellites

The system is fairly modular and expandable, with most major components simply stuck in with velcro tape. If I want to swap modules for a different experiment, I can just pop them out and replace with something else. Most of the ports and controls are exposed in two custom-made panels. A friend asked if I were getting these laser cut… nope, just plexiglass on the table saw, print the layout on a vinyl sticker, and slap em together!

As usual, my finish and quality control are… questionable at best. I am more of a duct-tape, hot glue, and hammer artist than a fine detail artist.

You can check out the build video and some demos of this unit’s abilities on my Youtube channel! I also have a bunch of other videos of satellite-related projects and stuff, with more to come!

Saveitforparts / now with more cats!

October 21, 2022

I’ve been doing project videos on Youtube, and occasionally our cats show up on screen. I decided it’s time to give them their own channel where they can review toys, destroy cardboard boxes, and whatever else they get up to! Check out Donny and Fluff’s Cat Toy Reviews here!


Here’s one of the initial cat videos!

Handheld Starlink Satellite detector

September 14, 2022

Starlink has been in the news a lot lately, partly for its revolutionary satellite internet service and partly for its supposed impacts on astronomy. While I can’t afford an actual Starlink ground station / Dishy, I heard that some of their transmissions are detectable with common household items! Well, maybe common for me, with a garage full of electronics garbage. And only the beacon or tracking signals, not the actual internet data.

Anyway, all you need for this is a software defined radio (SDR) like this one, and a universal satellite dish LNB like this. You don’t even need the actual dish, the Starlink satellites are so low and broadcast so strongly that the LNB by itself can hear them.

I hooked it up to my handheld Picorder and voila!

Potato Cannon Tank

September 6, 2022

I’ve always liked spud cannons, in fact they’ve made up some of the earliest content on this site. Behold the 2004-ish MS-Paint monstrosity!

Anyway, I’ve been slowly upgrading my starch-based artillery, including the Potato Howitzer previously posted. Finally I took things a step farther, with this fully mobile potato tank!

Some Homemade Wind Generator Experiments

February 18, 2022

Lately I’ve been building some small wind generators out of scrap material. So far they haven’t been all that efficient (or even very sturdy). Eventually I’d like to get something that will hold up to the local weather and generate a little power. It doesn’t have to be much power, just enough to charge a phone or run a small device like a Wifi hotspot would be fine.

The first design was a traditional (sort of) windmill. The blades are from an old ceiling fan, so it’s not optimized for wind power the way real airfoils would be. The generator/alternator was an old electric drill, with a 90-degree adapter as the pivot and mechanical power transfer.

This one worked OK, but didn’t hold up to the weather and I still haven’t found all the pieces under the snow!

Version two is a vertical-axis turbine made from old plastic barrels and a scooter motor. It’s currently installed at Sandland and may or may not survive until my next visit!

Version 3, if and when I get around to it, might be a combination of the horizontal blades, a better alternator, and a slip ring for pivoting. That last bit is what’s hard to DIY, so I may just have to buy a real one.

DIY Underwater Exploration

January 25, 2022

Building a small submarine or ROV is something I’ve been meaning to do for years. I finally got around to throwing some parts together, and it turned out surprisingly functional. There are still a few kinks to iron out, but this contraption of PVC pipe and surplus electronics actually works!

The outer frame is made of PVC pipe, holding a central electronics box with the navigation camera and thrusters. The navcam feeds live video back to a screen on the control panel (when it’s working!). For better quality video, there’s a GoPro mount on the front. Lights on the front let the cameras see better underwater or in dark caves (where I’ve mostly been testing it so far).

The first cave test (above) was admittedly pretty low-stakes. The water in this cave is all pretty shallow and if I got the thing stuck I could have just waded out to retrieve it. However, I wanted to verify operations for a slightly more challenging cave (below).

I’m hoping to use this in a few more places (maybe when the weather is warmer and the thrusters don’t ice up!). I’ll probably also fix a few of the broken bits and adjust things further, so look for more on the ROV project in the future!

Short Attention Span Videos

January 25, 2022

Youtube has really been pushing its new-ish “#shorts” feature, probably in an attempt to compete with a certain vertical-video app. Since they keep pushing me to do it, here are some short versions of my popular videos (plus a few short-only features!).

Handheld Capacitive Scanner / Wall “X-Ray”

December 2, 2021

Recently I came across a project to turn the Raspberry Pi touchscreen into a 2D capacitive imager. The creator showed how it could be used to see ghostly, pixelated images of wood and metal elements within a sheetrock wall. As someone with a “complicated” house, I struggle with traditional stud finders. I thought that something like this looked pretty cool, and potentially useful! My version of this project is in the video below:

For the hardware side of this, I used the following:

-Raspberry Pi 3 B (Other models might work, but this is the same as the original project used).
-Official Raspberry Pi 7″ Touchscreen
(Note, only older ones with the FT5406 chip will work!)
-Generic 7″ HDMI touchscreen
-Screen protector for above (since we’ll be sliding it on surfaces)
-(9.0″ x 5.9″ x 3.4″) ABS project enclosure (other sizes might work).
-Right-angle HDMI adapters (upwards 90).
-USB extensions x2
-Mini-USB extension (for charging)
-USB battery pack with two high-power output ports.
-Square U-bolts (x2) for handles
-Momentary push button with jumper cables for shutdown trigger.

I used Rasbian Stretch as the OS on the Pi. It seemd to be the right age to work with the 2016 code, but still new enough to work with the Pi 3B. I changed the /boot/config.txt and raspi-config settings as described on Optisimon’s page to enable I2C and disable touch input from the bottom screen. I also added a line to config.txt enabling the shutdown overlay. I also updated the console version of raspi-config and enabled Full KMS (Under GL settings) to get the external HDMI screen to take priority over the displayport screen.

For the software, I used Optisimon’s code, with a few tweaks as follows:

-In FT5406.hpp, changed line 83 to “for (int rowAddr = rows; rowAddr > 0; rowAddr–)”
-In SDLEventHandler.hpp, changed line 55 to “_zoom = std::min(50, _zoom + 1);”

(These changes were for my preferred use and display style. The first reverses the scan order so the image is the same horizontal orientation as the screen on the back. The second change increases the max zoom to fit my display screen, and might not work with all screens.)

To install the code I did the following (these steps may be obvious to others, but they weren’t all obvious to me!):
-sudo apt-get update
-sudo apt-get upgrade
-sudo apt-get install xdotool
(You can also install i2c-tools, or the prepare step below will do it for you)
-“make prepare” from within ft5406-capacitive-touch/CapacitanceVisualizer
-“make install” from same directory
(If any changes are made and you need to recompile, you’ll also need to make a
change to “main.cpp” and then make again).
-I could then run CapacitanceVisualizer to display the scan.

For ease of use, I made a shell script (“launch.sh”) that called the program and maxed out the zoom, as follows:

/home/pi/ft5406-capacitive-touch/CapacitanceVisualizer/CapacitanceVisualizer &
sleep 10
xdotool search –name CapacitanceVisualizer key F11 F1 KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add KP_Add”

(Yes, I realize there are probably less horrible ways to do this, I just don’t know what they are!)

I also made a .desktop shortcut and placed it in /etc/xdg/autostart, with the following contents:
[Desktop Entry]
Encoding= UTF-8
Name= CapacitanceVisualizer

With this setup, I can turn on the USB battery pack, and the scanner box boots up, autoruns CapacitanceVisualizer, goes full screen, and removes the background noise, all without any further input from me. I have some USB extensions to the outside of the case, so I can connect a keyboard / mouse if desired, but for the intended use of this device, I shouldn’t really need to.

Since Raspberry Pi is too cheap to have an on/off switch, I connected the pushbutton to GPIO pin 21 and the adjacent ground, and added the following to the end of /boot/config.txt:

I might add another physical button tied to the GPIO to send an F1 keypress for further background noise reduction.

This write-up is the “short” version of my efforts. I ran into various problems and hiccups along the way, possibly related to the mishmash of official and cheap imported hardware I was using, or the fact that this whole project relies on unsupported, undocumented features well outside the intended use of the hardware. I also ran into some of the typical Raspberry Pi “quirks” like refusing to boot for random reasons, flipping screen orientation, etc. My video on the project was at least twice as long before I edited out all the dead ends and failures!

Here are some additional resources and background info on this project:
Optisimon’s website on the original project
Github code, also by Optisimon
Capacitive sensing from Wikipedia.
Hackaday article on the original project.
2006 research paper on capacitive imaging.
Electrical Capacitance Tomography (industrial scanning technique)